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Ep 1: One Continent - Five Worlds

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Ep 2: Mountains

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Ep 3: Coasts

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Ep 4: Forests

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Ep 5: Freshwater

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Ep 6: Human Habitats


One Continent - Five Worlds

6 x 50'



Format: UHD

Year: 2025

Series Producer:

Christian Baumeister


Patrick Makin


Christian Baumeister

Jozef Kaut


Christian Baumeister

Julian Kolb

Tomas López Schwarz

Pim Niesten

Arthur Velando Flores

Florian Ledoux

et al.


Christina Hackl


Christian Heschl

Alex Komlew

Episode 1: One Continent – Five Worlds

Episode 2: Mountains

Episode 3: Coasts

Episode 4: Forests

Episode 5: Freshwater

Episode 6: Human Habitats



Series summary 

From the icy desert of Svalbard to the sun-kissed Mediterranean, this six-part wildlife series explores Europe’s most important and fascinating habitats, and meets their most remarkable wild inhabitants. Blue whales, polar bears, wolverines, and soaring golden eagles star alongside rarely-seen marvels such as genets, Iberian wolves, Eurasian lynx and rare Persian leopards. Packed with spectacular imagery and new-to-science behaviour, Europe is one of the most ambitious wildlife series ever made.


Requiring more than 1,000 days of filming on 50 different locations in almost 30 countries, Europe is the first blue-chip landmark series ever to be made about this remarkable continent and is one of the most ambitious wildlife series ever produced.


Helmed by renowned director of photography Christian Baumeister – who also produced and directed the series – Europe employed 30 of the continent’s best camera operators, from ten different countries. Between them, they faced marauding brown bears that destroyed their camp in Romania, headbutting humpback whales that almost swallowed a freediver in the Azores, and temperatures of -10 degrees as they shivered in their tents filming musk oxen in the freezing north of Norway.


The result was a total of 625 hours of raw footage which required a whole year of editing before being scripted by Patrick Makin, one of the UK’s foremost writers of natural-history TV.


The result is a glorious homage to the incredible natural history of Europe, and a timely reminder that a world of stunning wildlife is often closer than we realise.


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